Sunday, April 27, 2008

Victoria Starts Tee Ball

Tori started tee ball and she is getting the hang of batting and running to base. The first practice she was exhausted and was calling from short, can I be done now! But as the days went on she got used to it. The kids on the team are all very cute.


Shari said...

How adorable! I wanted to start Amelia in soccer, but she was too young for the YMCA. When someone told me the summer REC program started at 3 it was too late to sign her up, I guess next year.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aunt Carol!!!! I just wanted to say hi and I love you......oh right and Happy Mothers Day!!!!! The kids are all so cute, we need to figure out a time to get together so I can get to know them all !!! ttfn-Billy Bowen