Thursday, March 20, 2008

In Memory of My Mom

March 20, 2000 was the day my mom died. To say I miss her is an understatement. She was my mother, my friend, my biggest cheer leader and I was the light of her life. Even though she had five children, her and I shared a special bond. I dont have a picture of her on the computer, plus she HATED getting her picture taken....much like me. Although we were raised catholic, my mom was Jewish. In the Jewish Faith you light a candle at sundown the night before the anniversary of death as a way of remembering and honoring. I remember my mom lighting candles for her parents. Im always sad to light the candle and for the 24 hours that it burns I cry many times. Last night though was very different. Last night the kids were asking alot of questions too. Tori and Bella were very interested. Tori started to cry too. She said she missed her too and wondered if she was healthy and safe! I am sure where ever she is she is both! I do wish she could have met my children. She would have loved them so. When I graduated high school I gave my mom my yearbook to sign and she wrote and gave it back to me so quickly I was thinking wow that was fast. I though there would be big paragraphs and a lot of words. However the five words she wrote said it all " you light up my life". To say I miss her is an understatement!

1 comment:

Shari said...

I just got through the first anniversary of my dad's death and I now know how hard they are. I wish I was there to give you a BIG hug.